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Executive Summary

This impact report by the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership (SEHP) covers the period 2021-22. The SEHP is funded by the Scottish Government, and hosted by Shelter Scotland, with the remit to encourage private sector long-term empty homes back into use, as social and affordable homes, wherever possible. (Long-term empty homes are homes that are recorded…


Who are we and what are our key objectives?

Our Vision  Our vision is that privately-owned empty homes do not remain empty for 12 months or more without good reason. Our Aim  Our aim is to bring as many privately-owned empty homes back into use (as social and affordable homes where possible), by meeting our five key strategic objectives:  Strategic objective 1 – Encourage…


Why is empty homes work important?

There are many reasons why local authorities need to work to bring empty homes back to use. All of them come down to people.  It is important for people who are struggling to find an affordable and secure home to rent or buy in the cities, towns or villages where they work or grew up…
