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Annual Impact Report 2024

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Encourage every LA to adopt a strategic approach to bringing empty homes back into use

Our Strategic Empty Homes Framework, developed in collaboration with housing specialists Arneil Johnston, is central to the work we have taken forward to deliver this objective.

The framework provides a practical 8 step guide to support local authorities looking to adopt a strategic approach to empty homes work that places it within the context of their wider housing strategy.

Step 1: Set out the policy agenda for empty homes. Step 2: Build the Empty Homes evidence base

Step 3: Map existing Empty Homes activity and key challenges. Step 4: Set strategic aims and objectives.

Step 5: Stakeholder consultation and engagement. Step 6: Develop an Empty Homes Action Plan.

Step 7: Map implementation and delivery resources. Step 8: Monitor and evaluate Empty Homes impact.

The final version of the Framework guidance and template were published in September 2023 and launched at the COSLA annual conference in the same month. We have also given presentations and promoted the framework at events organised by Scottish Housing Network, Association of Public Service Excellence, ALACHO, Glasgow City Council, Scotland’s Town Partnership, Holyrood Events, and Homeless Network Scotland.

We’ve had international interest from an organisation in Greece who are looking to bring empty homes back into use to house refugees. They were looking at our work as a best practice example and at how the Framework could be adapted as the basis for their work going forward.

Closer to home, delivery of a Strategic Empty Homes Framework is the central part of a one year Kickstarter project we have recently commenced with Highland Council and the recently appointed EHO in West Lothian Council is using the template and guidance for an Empty Homes Strategy there.

From our annual survey results and local authority websites

9 EHOs said their local authorities had an empty homes strategy or strategic empty homes framework…

…11 local authorities advised that they are in the process of developing one…

…and 18 local authorities have an empty homes acquisition or buy-back scheme