Local Authority Empty Homes Officer Contacts
Below is a list of local authority empty homes officers. Feel free to get in touch with them directly for help with an empty homes query. If there isn’t an EHO listed for your local authority, get in touch with our Advice Service for assistance.
Aberdeen City Council
Thomas Cairns, Empty Homes Officer

Kylie Higgins, Empty Homes Officer

Aberdeenshire Council
Moira Simpson, Development Officer (Affordable Housing)

Argyll & Bute Council
Marion Sayers, Empty Homes Officer

Isla Binnie, Empty Homes Officer

Clackmannanshire Council
Clackmannanshire does not have an empty homes officer.

Dumfries & Galloway Council
Gillian Flack, Housing and Regeneration Development Officer

Dundee City Council
Michelle Morrison, Empty Homes & Landlord Registration Officer

East Ayrshire Council
Dawn Cadwell, Empty Homes Officer

Nikki Martin, Empty Homes Officer
East Dunbartonshire Council
Julie Isikaiye – Private Sector Housing Officer
0300 1234 510
Elaine Anderson – Private Sector Support Assistant
0300 1234 510

Fife Council
Joanne Saurin, Housing Professional, Empty Homes

Mark McArthur, Housing Professional, Empty Homes

Glasgow City Council
Ann Fay, Senior Empty Homes Officer

Anne Robinson, Empty Homes Officer

Jennie Fraser, Empty Homes Officer

Orkney Islands Council
Rachael Batty, Development and Empty Homes Officer

Shetland Islands Council
Shetland Islands does not have an empty homes officer.

South Lanarkshire Council
Aileen Muir, Policy Officer (Empty Homes)

Julie Ann Gallagher, Strategy and Support Assistant
West Lothian Council
Gillian Edwards, Planning and Coordination Officer