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Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) Best Practice and Knowledge Sharing Network Event

We continually seek to share any solutions and means to bring homes back into use and Compulsory Purchase Orders is another potential tool. This is identified as a strategic priority as our survey data shows that this power is being used infrequently among Scottish Local Authorities.

Glasgow City Council is active and effective in using CPO and so the SEHP asked them to share network wide online CPO training events. The council shared a practical guide for Local Authorities to use CPO where suitable and they demonstrated how they manage the legal CPO process, their procedures and internal resources. Many councils are reluctant to use CPO for empty homes cases and it is hoped these events will inspire confidence.

The session was well attended with 92 attendees from 21 local authorities, including attendees from the Scottish Government, the Land Commission, housing services, legal representatives, and policy and senior management and strategy roles. It is hoped that other local authorities will work to replicate this example and there has been ongoing discussions between GCC and other councils after these events.

The CPO procedure outlined