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Case study – The impact of affordable homes

Anika lived in social housing in Glasgow with her husband. She has 2 children and needed to leave her relationship due to domestic abuse. She was not confident in her decision, with many psychological reasons but one of the main barriers being the housing options available to her. She was keen to stay close to…


Case study – A previous empty home meeting urgent housing need

A property had been empty for 9 years as the owner had inherited the property from a relative and did not have the capacity to deal with it due to health vulnerabilities.  The EHO and Council Tax approached the case sensitively and helped the owner consider options to bring the property back into use. After…


Case study – Ex-local authority empty home bought back

An ex-local authority empty property in West Dunbartonshire Council (WDC) provided an opportunity to use empty homes to increase social housing quickly. The property became empty following the death of the owner and with a buy back policy in place, the EHO was able to progress this case and another family home is now available…


What happens to homes brought back into use

Just as empty homes come in all shapes, sizes and places – from remote island locations and houses that have been empty for a decade or longer, to tenements and apartments in various states of repair and disrepair in city centres – there are also a large variety of outcomes when properties are brought back…
