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Homes for Good partnership outcomes

In the video below, Barry Sweeney, Empty Homes Manager, Homes for Good, shows a property that will be transformed into affordable housing for a household in Glasgow through the partnership.


Meeting our strategic objectives 3 – Encourage registered social landlords, community groups and other private bodies to engage in empty homes work

A key objective for SEHP is to encourage registered social landlords, community groups, third sector organisations and other private bodies to engage in empty homes work. This objective recognised that many of these bodies are housing providers and are struggling to acquire suitable housing to meet the demand that they get for housing every day.…


Case study – The importance of flexibility on Council Tax premium

Our advice service assisted an owner struggling with an inherited family home which had been empty for 7 years. The owner intended to renovate and live in the property, and contacted the advice service distressed as the council tax premium was a financial burden. Paying the premium was reducing the budget for renovation work and…


Options available to officers

In our annual survey we asked EHOs to provide information on what methods they have used to bring homes back into use. ‘In your experience, how commonly used are the following key actions in assisting owners to bring properties back into use? With 0 being not used at all, and 10 being most frequently used’


Case study – Multiple barriers to bringing a home back into use

This property has remained empty for 5 years. The late owner left the home to their children but one passed away and the remaining beneficiary is living overseas. There has been no grant of confirmation applied for, so the property remains exempt from council tax. The property became unoccupied after a family member moved out…
