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Annual Impact Report 2024

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Options available to officers

In our annual survey we asked EHOs to provide information on what methods they have used to bring homes back into use.

‘In your experience, how commonly used are the following key actions in assisting owners to bring properties back into use? With 0 being not used at all, and 10 being most frequently used’

Q 22 In your experience, how commonly used are the following key actions in assisting owners to bring properties back into use? With 0 being not used at all, and 10 being most frequently usedOn a scale from 1-10, how commonly Empty Homes Officer’s used these options (on average)
Providing advice and information to owner.8.65
Access to VAT discounts, merchants & services discounts, other discounts6.17
Council tax discretion (including providing support to obtain discretion)6.00
Linked to Council schemes (Buy back, PSL, Rent Deposit Guarantee Schemes)4.18
Providing grant funding3.75
Enforcement (eg environmental health, statutory nuisance, building standards regulations)2.89
Worked/partnered with RSL, Third Sector or community group2.85
Worked/partnered with the private or commercial sector2.33
Linking to matchmaker scheme2.13
Providing loan funding2.00